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Feb 4, 2011 · Following the notation of that paper, these examples are referred as the Huang–Johnson semifields of type II I I , III I I I , IV I V , V V , VI ...
A generalization of some Huang–Johnson semifields. N.L. Johnson. Mathematics Dept. University of Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa 52242, USA njohnson@math.uiowa.edu.
A finite field is a trivial example of semifield and it is easy to s. ee that, in general, the. order of a proper semifield is a power of a prime number.
It is proved that the Huang–Johnson semifield of type $VI$ is isotopic to a cyclic semifield, whereas those of types $VII$ and $VIII$ belong to infinite ...
Abstract. In [H. Huang, N.L. Johnson: Semifield planes of order 82, Discrete. Math., 80 (1990)], the authors exhibited seven sporadic semifields of.
Norman L. Johnson, Giuseppe Marino, Olga Polverino, Rocco Trombetti: A Generalization of Some Huang-Johnson Semifields. Electron. J. Comb. 18(1) (2011).
Johnson, Giuseppe Marino, Olga Polverino, Rocco Trombetti: A Generalization of Some Huang-Johnson Semifields. Electron. J. Comb. 18(1) (2011). [j14]. view.
A Generalization of Some Huang–Johnson Semifields. Article. Full-text available. Feb 2011; ELECTRON J COMB. Norman L. Johnson · Giuseppe Marino ...
By [14, Theorem 3.2], semifields in class F 3 of different types are not isotopic. The Huang–Johnson semifields ...
A Generalization of Some Huang–Johnson Semifields. Article. Full-text available. Feb 2011; ELECTRON J COMB. Norman L. Johnson · Giuseppe Marino ...